2011.09-2014.07 South China Normal University Optics Master Degree
2005.09-2009.07 South China Normal University Information Engineering Bachelor Degree
Working Experience
2016.05-Now Beijing Normal University Zhuhai Engineer
Associate Director of Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center of Economics and Management
Courses Offered
Mobile Commerce / Cross-disciplinary Comprehensive Training / Comprehensive Practice of Electronic Commerce
Research Area
Electronic Commerce / Management Information Systems
Research Papers/Projects
Strong localization of terahertz wave and significant enhancement in electric field achieved in U-shaped resonators with a large aspect ratio. Applied Physics Letters. 2013, 123505(103) (SCI Indexed).
Analysis of E-commerce mode under the background of internet plus. Foreign Economic Relations & Trade. 2017, (8).
On the Training Model of Cross-border E-commerce Talents under the Background of Internationalization. China Journal of Commerce. 2017, (34).
Exploration on the construction of experimental teaching demonstration center of economics and management. Research on Laboratory Work in Colleges and Universities. 2018, (3).