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CHEN LEI                              






2013.04-2018.10               Harbin Institute of Technology                        PH.D

2004.09-2007.06               Harbin Normal University                                MBA

2000.09-2004.07               Harbin Normal University                                BA

Working Experience                                                      

2007.09-Now            Beijing Normal University, Zhuhai           Associate Professor    Director of Department of Electronic Commerce

Courses Offered                                                                

Electronic Commerce / Management Information System / Research Methods

Research Area                                                        

Cross-border Electronic Commerce / Text Mining / Intelligent recommendation

Research Papers/Projects                                                        

[1] A novel clustering algorithm and its incremental version for large-scale text collection. Information Technology and Control, 2016, 45(2), 136-147. SCI, IF 0.63.

[2] Find relationship among applications. International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organizations, 2015, 15(1), 80-98. EI Indexed.

[3] A Clustering Information Evolution Analysis Method for Large-scale Dynamic Short Texts. Invention patentChina,201310716896.9.

[4] Microblog Public Opinion Monitoring and Analysis System. Software Copyright2017SR504313.

[5] Research on Clustering Analysis Technology for Large-scale Dynamic Microblog Data2015-2018, (Funded by Department of Education of Guangdong Province).