2006.09-2010.07 South China normal University Economics Ph.D
2012.08-2013.07 University of Hawaii at Manoa Financial Engineering Master
1996.09-2000.06 Nanchang University Civil Engineering Bachelor
Working Experience
2014.09-Now Beijing Normal University Zhuhai Lecturer
2006.08-2013.12 Guangdong polytechnic normal university Lecturer
Courses Offered
Financial engineering / Macroeconomics / Corporate finance
Research Area
Fintech / Pricing of derivatives / Financial thoughts
Research Papers/Projects
The collective action in KYOTO system (essays collection of finance, 2010, volume3)
The risk management in exchange for OBOR countries (financial economics, 2017, volume 8)
The insurance community based on internet (contemporary economics, 2015, volume 12)