International Programs:College of Mount Saint Vincent

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College of Mount Saint Vincent, founded in 1847, is one of the oldest private liberal arts colleges in New York City. The school is located in the Bronx District of New York City, USA. The campus is situated on the Hudson River, backed by mountains and rivers, with ancient trees, classical buildings and sculptures everywhere, and the environment is beautiful. Close to the famous Manhattan Center, there are buses directly to Manhattan Center, Central Park, Times Square and Wall Street.

蒙特圣文森大学现有学生2600人,包括来自于不同国家、种族、宗教背景的学生。全校共有165名教师,教师中89%具有博士学位。因为没有巨大学生人数的压力,蒙特圣文森大学实行小班授课,教授与学生比例为14:1,教授们能够记住每个学生的名字,学生和教授甚至学校工作人员的关系很紧密。蒙特圣文森大学本科文理学科齐全,共有40多个专业,商科、教育、护理等专业是该校的强项。菲律宾前总统阿基诺女士、第72界纽约证劵交易所Noreen M. Culhane副总裁、第75界美国UBS银行Bosemary Berkery总裁、第71界纽约Judge Judith A. Hard大法官、第84界纽约商业司法部Maria Vullo副部长等诸多著名人士都是该校校友。

The University of Monte Saint Vincent currently has 2600 students, including students from different countries, races and religious backgrounds. There are 165 teachers in the school, 89% of whom have doctoral degrees. Because there is no pressure on the huge number of students, St. Vincent's University of Monte teaches in small classes. The ratio of professors to students is 14:1. Professors can remember every student's name. Students and professors are closely related to school staff. Monte Saint Vincent University has a full range of undergraduate arts and sciences, with more than 40 majors. Business, education, nursing and other majors are its strengths. Ms. Aquino, former President of the Philippines, Vice President Noreen M. Culhane of the 72nd New York Stock Exchange, President Bosemary Berkery of the 75th U.S. UBS Bank, Justice Judge Judith A. Hard of the 71st New York, Vice Minister Maria Vullo of the 84th New York Department of Commerce and Justice, and many other prominent figures are alumni of the school.


New York City, where St. Vincent's University is located, is the financial capital of the United States and the world. The United Nations is located in many companies, banks and securities agencies. Students can easily find internships and employment opportunities under the guidance of school teachers. The employment rate of undergraduate graduates is much higher than the average employment rate of American University graduates.


Beijing Normal University, Zhuhai and Monte Saint Vincent University have also carried out short-term summer camp tours in addition to the Financial 2 + 2 project. From 2011 to 2016, 112 students from the IBF of BNUZ participated in the short-term study program of the summer camp.